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the 'emo'

Name:Ow Yong Jian Zhong
Hobby:Blogging and watching movies =D
PS:Im a nice guy and nice to meet all of you =D

my death will

t3h Çóúntér =3

l3ts Çóúnt! =D
into my ear
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layout} !stinkitup
font} dafonts.com
image} !stinkitup
brushes} adobe photoshop 7.0
the emo doll} drawn on paint by !stinkitup

and he/she dies

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My role model is Jay Chou, he has been very successful in his career and life. He is a wonderful singer and I aspire to be like him. He have a lot of fans and is very popular, he is an asian pop singer. I'm sure you have heard of him too. I love his singing style and his songs. His song lyrics have great meanings and his albums have been selling very successful. His songs are always heard when I shop around. His songs have inspired a lot of people and I believe there are a lot of people who take him as their role model too. Although he is popular, he have no freedom and can't do things he wants and is always eyed by other competitors, he have to choose his actions carefully for he is a celebrity which eyes are always on him whenever he is, reporters are always spying on him. Therefore, I believe that being a good singer is good but being a celebrity would be another whole story instead.

theEMOdied @ 5:16 AM!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

As in class everybody knows that I'm notorious and going around disturbing others, actually, I'm just wanting people to talk to me on their own accord and not me to start the conversation myself and ending in with just few sentences. I know I might've given people a wrong impression of me, but I'm now trying my best to clear off the bad impressions of myself and let them believe that a new Jian Zhong they can find in class, not the usual notorious one. I know its hard to do so as I've given them a bad impression for about 1 year and they eventually believe thats the real me.

theEMOdied @ 12:44 AM!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I won't take up triple science for sure as I know I will not make it if i do and I will take up all the basic stuff as I'm quite lazy and will not bother to study much.. I hope the basic subjects can still get me to a good school =). I hate studying and guess everyone do but if really needed to study really seriously I will not play around of course as its my future I'm talking about. Who will ruin his own future.. I'm doing all these so that I can relax next time when i work and won't need to work so hard =| I guess those people who have bad jobs like cleaning and sweeping are those who didn't study when they are young but I respect them a lot, without them the world will not be clean and no one to clean up streets and toilet and the world will be an unpleasant place to live in.

theEMOdied @ 5:05 AM!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

During weekends I usually stay at home to play or do homework, I also may go out with friends to watch movies go shop and walk around. My family and I will also go out, but I feel very bored when I go out with them for some reasons and do not wish to say. I feel more relaxed and more fun going out with friends and I myself do not understand too, maybe because I feel more free and can do whatever I want without them supervising me and doing everything on their on. I feel that if parents can understand us better maybe this world would be a better place with no quarrels with parents and families can live in harmony and feel comfortable staying with each other.

theEMOdied @ 6:51 AM!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I want to change the way people look at me. For instance people may think I am a slacker who do not give a two cents about his homework but I will change the way people think about me. I will show them I am not one as they think of me in the past and will have a better impression of me. I also hope to change my stupid attitude of me as I am quite a stubborn person maybe for some people out there but the little stubborness inside me will never burn away except maybe those majority of it. I would also like to change into a better way of presenting myself to others for instance, people may think that I am only a normal person like everyone else out there but I would like people to know that I am unique and there's a saying ''Its now or never'' and I think its quite true. You live your life only once so you better grab the chance before its too late and you start regretting.

theEMOdied @ 5:52 AM!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

I felt that I did not do my best during term 2 and has wasted a lot of my time. I will try to work harder in term 3 in terms of my quality of work and the effort put in and get much better results in term 3, I know i can do it as teachers have not gave up on me after all these months and I am very grateful and I feel that I have no reason to dissapoint my teachers anymore, thought I am not very good in my studies now as I have been slacking through out my seconday years but I have confident that I will do much better in my term 3 and show my teachers that they were not wrong to have trusted in me.

theEMOdied @ 5:49 AM!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

If i were to become a famous game creator, I would first thank my family and friends, teachers and all those revolving around my life for supporting me all these while while I faced those obstacles in my life blocking me as I'm working towards my goal. You let me realise that you are the most important people in my life that give me the enthusiasm to work towards my goal and make me finally realise my goal is not only a dream and it is now reality and I wouldn't have made it without you people.

theEMOdied @ 5:52 AM!!

Akayumi Hamasaki